Healthy Blood Sugar Can you hear the “food noise”? Take back control of your blood glucose roller coaster! In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. The rise in sedentary lifestyles and the... READ MORE Healthy Blood Sugar Stable Blood Glucose Levels Can Help Ease Menopause Symptoms. Menopause is a natural event in a woman’s life however the symptoms associated with it can have a big impact on daily life including family relationships,... READ MORE Healthy Blood Sugar How Important is Maintaining a Healthy Insulin Response to our Health? In healthy people if blood glucose is normal then insulin is usually normal. For those with insulin resistance, insulin levels are higher than expected relative to glucose, with... READ MORE Healthy Blood Sugar Why our blood sugar normally spikes when we first wakeup and why you should care? It often happens that blood sugar is raised on waking even when we haven’t consumed any food or drink before bedtime. One reason for high fasting... READ MORE Healthy Blood Sugar Why a healthy Microbiome is essential for Metabolic Health? Research is only just discovering the significance of our gut bacteria and its importance for our metabolic health. Metabolic health is a composite measure that considers our blood... READ MORE Current, Healthy Aging, News Stories, Weight Loss Optimizing Metabolic Flexibility and the Benefits of Fasting to Stabilize Blood Sugar Metabolic flexibility is a term used to describe the body’s ability to respond and adapt between fed and fasted states. Good metabolic flexibility allows your body to ease... READ MORE Ketosis, Popular Why the Time of the Day You Eat Matters, and its Impact on Blood Sugar Regulation and Weight Loss Most of us strive for a long and healthy life and new research highlights the need to pay attention to meal timings starting from an early age. It is... READ MORE Current, News Stories, Science of Reducose What Role Do Blood Glucose Levels Play in the Severity of COVID-19? Recent research repeatedly points to elevated glucose levels as a key facilitator in the progression of COVID-19. This research highlights the significance of keeping your blood sugar balanced to... READ MORE Healthy Blood Sugar, Science of Reducose The Unstoppable Rise of the Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) What is a CGM? A continuous glucose monitoring system, or CGM, is a compact medical device that continuously monitors an individuals’ blood glucose, also called blood sugar, all day... READ MORE Ketosis, Weight Loss Understanding the Connection Between Blood Glucose and Healthy Weight Management Eating fewer calories than you burn has been an accepted weight loss formula for decades. However, the process is not that simple and the traditional calorie counting model... READ MORE Healthy Aging, Science of Reducose Aging Well and the Link to Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels For many years it was thought that people’s life expectancy was largely determined by their genetics. Today, it is widely believed that our genetics play a smaller role... READ MORE Current, Ketosis, Popular, Upcoming Is your breakfast ruining your day before it even starts? Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. The researchers from The Journal of Nutrition found that skipping breakfast once a week is associated with a 6... READ MORE All, Current, Popular, Science of Reducose, Weight Loss Be Aware of the Bliss Point Why is it sometimes we eat well and make better food choices and other times we struggle and eat the foods that take us on a wild blood... READ MORE All, Healthy Blood Sugar, Popular How to avoid becoming Prediabetic and why it doesn’t have to control your life What is Prediabetes? A person may have a blood sugar level that is above normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This is prediabetes, and it... READ MORE All, Ketosis, Popular, Science of Reducose Not all carbohydrates are created equal What are fast & slow carbohydrates? Did you know that not all carbohydrates release energy at the same rate? Carbohydrates are chains of sugars and this chain must be... READ MORE